Welcome to Arnautistan Noir. A comic book written and conceived by Artrit bytyçi and illustrated by Ardi Shishko, with generous support from Lumbardhi Foundation as part of their QARK Fellowship.

Launch even promo
Check out the promo for the book launch event at Kino Lumbardhi in Prizren on Saturday, May 15, 2023 at 6:00pm. We hope to see you there.

Arnautistan Soundtrack
We also encourage you to listen to the soundtrack as you read the physical copy of the comic book. Click here if you would like to know more about the music of Arnautistan.

Bonus Content
- In Praise of Quixotic PlayAnd so, Ardi and I ventured into an unknown territory full of self-confidence and self-assurance. We were not unlike Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. They often get a bad rep, but I think being quixotic in our day and age is not only a luxury but is also a necessity. To create, especially in a place like Kosovo, you have to be quixotic, and delusional, and dare to dream big (perhaps to the point of craziness). …
- Knowing Ourselves Through an Alternate RealityWriting a story in an alternate timeline, where a certain historic event turned out differently is a great way to explore issues present in our own society. …
Continue readingKnowing Ourselves Through an Alternate Reality
- The Language of ArnautistanPeople in Prizren, in real life, speak a specific language — either pidgin or creole, we will leave this classification to the linguists — that mixes Turkish, Albanian, Serbian-Bosnian-Croatian, and lately increasingly more English. It is technically an evolved remnant of an old imperial language. This made Prizren perfectly suited as the place where this language would have evolved in this imaginary Arnautistan. And all I had to do was to evolve it a bit further until it properly conveyed the overall art concept I was trying to achieve. …