“Arnautistan Noir” is a comic book art-project conceived and written by Artrit Bytyçi, illustrated by Ardi Shishko. It is specially created for an immersive multimedia experience that features a soundtrack composed by Liburn Jupolli.
To get the best experience from the printed version of “Arnautistan Noir”, we recommend that you listen to the music while reading the comic book.
You can listen to the soundtrack at your own leisure. Or, you can listen to individual tracks as they correspond to their respective chapters by scanning the QR codes embedded throughout the comic book.
Either way, enjoy the following tracks:
1. Bashibozouks, Rise, 4:35
2. The Fastest Gun in Arnautistan, 6:46
3. Kurilla Blues: The Walk, 4:52
4. Ashk & Sehire, 4:34
5. Kurilla Blues: Towards the Third Renaissance, 4:40
6. Forensic Wolves, 5:26
7. History, Widowed, 4:14
8. The Crash: A Conclusion to Kurilla Blues, 4:08