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a serialized ethno-cyber-punk novel

Archive for the ‘bonus’ Category

Category: bonus

Broken Signals

“Commence Operation Moebius,” said Colonel Hana Uka. “Affirmative, Colonel,” responded Major Ardi, her second in command, as he disappeared amid the swarm of soldiers barking out unintelligible orders.  With greying “regulation” cut and a stoic face weathered from combat, tragedy, and experience, Major Ardi projected a calm demeanor that often ranged on the unemotional. He […]

Category: bonus

The Kaçak Syndicate

As the Arbiter walked down the steps of “The Collective” he increasingly heard the humming and buzzing of the crowd. The bar was full, and the previously laid back and talk-therapist-like bartender was now taking orders and serving with the efficiency of an industrial robot.  As the Arbiter stood at the entrance observing the crowd, […]

Category: bonus

The Power of Our New Gods

“The Arbiter” also explores new types of power — that of Artificial Intelligence, more precisely.
“God is dead — we have killed him.” And in its stead we have invented an all-knowing and all-seeing God whose spirit resides in the machine, in some distant server in the cloud.

Category: bonus

Corporate Dictatorships of our Information Age

Instead of our promised cyborgness, our promised symbiosis between human and machine, we were turned into cyber-dope-fiends, whose only preoccupation became to get that dopamine reward in our brains, no matter the content of the information. It became irrelevant what kind of content you viewed as long as the chemical cravings of your brain were satisfied.