The professional development of young artists and creators is one of StoryLab’s priorities. That is why we created “Modus Operandi”, our program for internships and mentorships program.

In all of our projects we aim to engage young artists and creators whenever possible (and to use experienced artists only when it is essential artistically or content-wise. In this way, our goal is to empower as many young creatives as possible.

We are proud of our mentees and interns, and we are amazed at how much we can learn from them and their great work.

Some of the awesome works you see at StoryLab are thanks to the contribution and hard work of our very talented interns and mentees. And, the best works yet are the ones where they collaborate.

Some of our notable interns and mentees include:

Season I:

Zana Begolli – November 2020-October 2021

Erita Vetima – September 2020-April 2021

Fitim Haziri – September 2020-November 2021

Season II:

Fortuna Gashi – July 2021-February 2022

Vesa Hyseni – July 2021-February 2022

Season III:

Era Bata – February 2023-June 2023

Manushaqe Ibrahimi – February 2023-June 2023

Yll Avdiu – February 2023-June 2023

Rinea Sheholli – February 2023-June 2023

Every several weeks we engage in “Creative Dinners” with our interns and mentees to share ideas and creative thoughts in a laid-back environment:

During the pandemic, a lot of our meetings took place virtually. Nonetheless, the creativity, ideas, contributions, and results were truly impactful.