Writing and Publishing Lab
Our online and in-person workshops range from creative writing to special themes in art, design, and multimedia
Here are some of the cool things we do:
Our online and in-person workshops range from creative writing to special themes in art, design, and multimedia
Our extended education and e-learning environment uses Moodle as well as a variety of other educational tools for our online workshops.
We pride ourselves in our philosophy of crosspollination. We value cooperation with our creative partners and are eager to learn and get inspired form them.
Sometimes we are so creative, we have trouble classifying things. These are the crazy-awesome experimental projects.
We pride ourselves with our Mentorships and Internships. We are amazed how much we can learn from our mentees and interns, as well as all their great work.
A Residency Program for young Artists, Researchers, and Academics.
Our Cultural Diplomacy initiative which aims to promote dialogue, diversity, self-reflection, and cultural exchange between different peoples, countries, societies, and cultures.
We are constantly creating. Here's what we've been up to lately:
Here you can learn about the latest things StoryLab has been involved in.
Apply now for this series of 3-week workshops.
Deadline: 7 February 2025.
Explore multimedia storytelling through AR, photography, film, and creative writing. Memory Jam connects students and young creatives from the UK and Kosovo to delve into identity, memory, and virtual space. Guided by guest artists, create digital and physical artworks for an exhibition and a zine-like publication featuring AR.
StoryLab is constantly thinking about new ideas of how to bring 3D printing to print publications. As part of our research and development process we tried to find out a way to integrate 3D printed prototypes as part of our (KSCI-FI) zine collection.
StoryLab was part of the Art Book Fair in Tirana in December 2024 organized by 28 November at the Bulevard Art and Media Institute.
This November we had the second annual Print Sprint event. In 3 weeks StoryLab riso-printed 2 zines, 1 poster, bookmarks, stickers and 0 day last touches.
Si pjesë e StoryLab Games jemi të lumtur t’ju njoftojmë për “Magic Money”, video lojën e satirës politike me vendndodhje në Kosovë.
StoryLab is excited to announce our latest Digital Arts initiative — StoryLab Games. Stay tuned for more info.
Our fifth and sixth week’s recap of MemoryLab creative writing workshops.
Our fourth week’s recap of MemoryLab, with Durim Klaiqi as our special guest.
Our third week’s recap of MemoryLab, with Donjetë Murati as our special guest.
Our second week’s recap of MemoryLab, with Fatmir Mustafa Karllo as our special guest.
Our first week’s recap of MemoryLab, with Jetmir Idrizi as our special guest.
This Sunday, 8th September 2024, Storylab participated in Prishtina’s PRINT BAZAAR.
Aplikoni tani! Afati është zgjatur deri më: 4 shtator 2024
StoryLab, ju fton për të aplikuar në një seri punëtorish dhe ligjëratash 5-javore në shkrimin kreativ me fokus në non-fiction.
Apply now! Deadline extended to: 4 September 2024.
StoryLab, invites you to apply for a 5-week series of creative writing workshops and lectures with a special focus on non-fiction.
StoryLab Games is happy to announce the development of Magic Money, a political satire video game set in Kosovo where a paranormal detective tries to solve the case of the mysterious disappearance of two million Euros from the treasury.
StoryLab was honored to be among other creative producers from the Balkans, Ukraine, and Central Asia to visit Manchester and Liverpool on a research visit to the UK as part of the Creative Producers program organized by the Curated Place with the support of the British Council.
StoryLab brought creativity to life at DokuTECH’s Game Jam, showcasing our prowess in crafting immersive narratives and engaging gameplay mechanics.
The blue of the tulle textile that spans the event and exhibition spaces will undoubtedly be the first thing to strike you as an audience. Like an ether of a spirit frozen in time, it will invite you to follow it as it makes its twists and turns throughout Autostrada Hangar, leading you to the pièce de résistance — the installation reminiscent of a labyrinth.
This is a Mirror is not just like any artbook — it can only exist if the audience interacts with it. It can only exist outside the pages, if the audience participates and engages with it.
The purpose of the Enter, Meet Yourself exhibition is to pay tribute to this book’s participatory nature.
On March 1st, Autostrada Hangar hosted the launch of “This is a Mirror” an art book by Likana Cana and the exhibition curated by Artrit Bytyçi and produced by Autostrada Biennale.
You are cordially invited to the book launch exhibition for This is a Mirror, an art book by Likana Cana. Please set a date for Friday, 1 March 2024 at 8:00pm at Autostrada Hangar, ITP Prizren. About the artbook:This artbook is a collection of instructional poems that make use of the reader’s participation. Its main […]
StoryLab’s Artrit Bytyçi had the honor to be a guest at Radio Urban FM, discussing about audiobooks and his book ‘Kosovacalypse.’
StoryLab is in Tirana!
Come and find us at Tirana Independent Artbook Fair during 25-27 November 2023!
After a long, hot, and super-productive summer, we are happy to announce the successful completion of our latest initiative for exploring storytelling via digital arts, video games, interactive projects, and other amazing narrative experiments that employ technology. Stay tuned for more info.
StoryLab is at Prishtina Book Fair at the Palace of Youth!
Come and check out some of our latest artbooks, zines, and upcoming projects.
On Saturday of May 20th at 6:00pm in Prizren at Kino Lumbardhi, the launch of “Arnautistan Noir” took place.
Written by Artrit Bytyçi, illustrated by Ardi Shishko, and soundtrack composed by Liburn Jupolli.
Join us for the launch of “Arnautistan Noir” a new comic book written by Artrit Bytyçi, illustrated by Ardi Shishko, and a soundtrack composed by Liburn Jupolli. Saturday, 20 May 2023 at 18:00. Kino Lumbardhi, Prizren, Kosovo.
StoryLab is proud to announce the third issue of StoryLab Zine. The theme for this edition is KSci-Fi: Reality Machines and Altered States. Stay tuned for more info.
StoryLab is happy to announce our upcoming publication: This Is A Mirror by Likana Cana. Coming Summer 2023. Stay tuned for more info.
During our recent trip to Berlin, in December 2022, StoryLab was honored to further its collaboration with Humboldt University of Berlin.
StoryLab is happy to announce our upcoming publication: Atlas of Fantastical Realism by Artrit Bytyçi. Coming Spring 2023. Stay tuned for more info.
Have a very KSci-Fi holiday!
StoryLab is proud to announce the second issue of StoryLab Zine. The theme for this edition is KSci-Fi as this time around we will focus on science fiction and fantasy from Kosovo and beyond. Stay tuned for more info.
In October 2022, StoryLab had the honor of hosting a group of students of the from The Courtauld Institute, London. StoryLab had the pleasure to contribute to the Global Conceptualism course by professors Sarah Wilson and Elizaveta Butakova.
In September 2022, StoryLab had the pleasure to host a group of students and professors from Max Planck Institute for Art History based in Rome.
On 23 July 2022, StoryLab met with Dr. Christian Voss from Humboldt University of Berlin. During the meeting, StoryLab’s works were presented. StoryLab is honored to announce the latest cooperation with the Cultural Studies Department at Humboldt University of Berlin. More details to follow.
Slovenian art collective IRWIN and Epifani Institute from Prishtina, Kosovo are announcing the ‘NSK Territory Prishtina’, their joint project at the location of On Top Residency set to launch on July 19, 2022, at 18:00.
Kolektivi slloven i artit IRWIN dhe Instituti Epifani nga Prishtina njoftojnë për projektin e tyre të përbashkët të titulluar ‘NSK Territory Prishtina’ (Territori i NSK-së në Prishtinë), në lokacionin e On Top Residency, që do të fillojë më 19 korrik 2022 në ora 18:00.
Apply now! Deadline extended to: 5 July 2022.
StoryLab, as part of Manifesta 14 Prishtina, invites you to apply for a 7-week series of creative writing workshops and lectures with a special focus on science fiction, by the end of which participants will have one piece of peer-reviewed writing ready for publication in the upcoming KSci-Fi zine.
Aplikoni tani! Afati është zgjatur deri më: 5 korrik 2022.
StoryLab, si pjesë e Manifesta 14 Prishtina, ju fton të aplikoni për një seri 7-javore të punëtorive të shkrimit kreativ dhe ligjëratave me vëmendje të veçantë në fantashkencë. Në fund të këtij programi pjesëmarrësit do të kenë të përpiluar nga një shkrim që do të publikohet në zinën e ardhshme “KSci-Fi”.