As part of our Writing and Publishing Lab, we organize online and in-person workshops, lectures, and activities ranging from creative writing to special themes in art, design, and multimedia.
Some of our notable events and activities include:

Creative Writing & Publishing Lab with Artrit Bytyçi

The Food on Our Tables: Documenting Culinary Practices in Kosovo

Cineks School:
Writing for Culture and Cinema Program
Click here to view some of the lectures and workshops.
Writing for Culture and Cinema Program integrates a series of lectures and workshops that aim to develop your ability to critique and coherently analyze cinematic and artistic works. To achieve this we have set up a series of lectures with diverse topics to help you view films from societal, philosophical, anthropological and artistic perspectives. platform and Cineks School is created by Institute Undesignate.
The program is sponsored by the generous support of Swiss Development Cooperation Agency – SDC (Swiss Development & Cooperation).
Writing workshops are organized with the cooperation of StoryLab.
Culture and Cinema Writing Program is also supported by The National Gallery of Kosovo.

The third edition of Lokomotiva 2.0:
“Research Methods, Writing, and Publication” workshop