**Application deadline extended until October 25th**
Greetings writers,
You are invited to participate in a series of creative writing workshops with Artrit Bytyçi. The workshop will focus on fiction and nonfiction: short stories, excerpts from novels, personal essays, excerpts from memoirs, or any other kind of experimental prose. (This time we won’t focus on poetry.)
The workshop will span over 6 sessions, with around 10-15 participants, and will meet every 1-2 weeks (in Prishtina and/or online). The workshop will be led by Artrit Bytyçi, M.F.A. in Creative Writing from The New School in New York City.
Submitted texts can be in Albanian and/or English.
Each session will be held in the style of workshops inspired by the Creative Writing Program at The New School in New York and, among others, will feature: discussions and lectures on the craft of writing, workshopping of works submitted by the participants, comments, suggestions, critiques, exploration of various authors and methods they used. For each class, participants will submit homework and complete reading specified in the class syllabus.
By the end of the workshop, works will be published in print and online, and participants will have a chase to read them at a literary event (“live” or “online).
The workshop is open to writers older than 18. The main criteria will be the quality of the writing.
Previous experience with creative writing is preferred, since this is intended as an intermediate-advanced level workshop.
Application deadline: 15 October 2020. Click here to fill in the application.
If you have any questions please write to us at kosovostorylab@gmail.com
This project is free for the participants and is supported by the Municipality of Prishtina.